Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Commercial Security with Honeywell in South Carolina

While many businesses choose to skimp on the protection a security system can provide, it is an area that should be given extra consideration and attention. Priority One Security, an Anderson, SC, security firm, believes businesses of all sizes can greatly benefit from discussing their security options with a qualified security consultant. A consultant should go over basic security system features as well more advanced features such as digital recorders, smart phone access and text notifications.

Due to their public nature, a hospital, school or commercial business have different security needs than a private residence. They each face possible security threats from a variety of sources and need a comprehensive security plan in place. A stranger noticing there are no security cameras inside a retail store may decide to plan a robbery. A burglar or car prowler who does not observe security cameras scanning a parking lot may decide to try his luck. A disgruntled employee may choose to express their unhappiness by stealing or damaging company property. A security system designed with a business’s needs in mind can prevent or mitigate these instances.

Beyond property theft and damage, violence in the workplace is also a concern. There have been several accounts on the news recently about the rise of workplace violence. While the causes may not yet be clear, violence in the workplace costs time, money and a company who is unprepared can lose the trust of their community. The FBI estimates that workplace violence, including all acts from robberies to bullying, costs American businesses $36 billion each year.

Although security systems are primarily used to prevent and reduce damage from theft and property crimes, many of the same systems can be used to protect employees from workplace violence situations. While there are many security options, Priority One Security uses Honeywell for South Carolina businesses. Honeywell is the most respected name in both home and commercial security.

Interior and exterior surveillance cameras are a standard part of Anderson SC security systems for good reason. They not only to monitor customers and visitors, but they can also monitor employee movements within a building. When dealing with personality conflicts, security cameras can provide proof of interactions between employees. Any business that regularly deals with the public should have systems in place to protect their employees. Recording common areas is one of the best ways to ensure nothing goes unnoticed.

Properly monitoring the property surrounding a business is also important. Since an empty parking lot or seldom-used stairwell does not require constant supervision, placing motion-activated security cameras in those areas is the most cost-effective option for businesses. Surveillance video can be recorded to a digital recording device for future review or for use in a trial, if necessary.

A panic alarm programmed into a control panel can quickly alert authorities and call for help. For further safety, portable panic alarms are also available. These small devices can be easily activated from anywhere in the building. Priority One uses Honeywell across South Carolina because reliable security is too important to trust to anyone else.

Priority One Security provides commercial and home security systems to South Carolina and North Carolina residents and business owners. www.priority1security.com

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Security in Orangeburg, SC, With Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Every year, carbon monoxide poisoning kills roughly 500 people and sends an additional 15,000 to the emergency room. Carbon monoxide is an odorless and colorless gas that is created when any kind of fuel is burned. These fuels include gasoline, oil, wood, propane, natural gas and charcoal. Homes that have furnaces and other kinds of fuel burning appliances, such as stoves and ovens, are at risk for carbon monoxide exposure.

The appliances are designed to vent the gas away from the home, but as the appliances age, they can leak carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide gas in the air deprives the body of necessary oxygen and can be fatal even in relatively small amounts. Since the gas has no tell-tale odor, it is nearly impossible to detect without a special carbon monoxide detector.

Orangeburg, SC, security company Priority One offers monitored carbon monoxide detectors that will protect your home and family.

Basic carbon monoxide detectors can be purchased from home improvement stores. Do not confuse a smoke detector with a carbon monoxide detector, they are two very different devices and cannot be used interchangeably. A carbon monoxide detector bought from a home improvement store will beep when unsafe levels of carbon monoxide are detected in the home.

However, a monitored carbon monoxide detector is a better choice for protecting your family since an alarm sounds in your home as well as at a monitoring station. Priority One Security in Orangeburg, SC, offers monitored carbon monoxide detectors as well as installation. This means your home is monitored 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for carbon monoxide. If unsafe levels of carbon monoxide are detected, Priority One Security can alert you and call for help if required.

Reports of carbon monoxide poisoning increase during the winter months, as people stay indoors and rely on their furnaces to keep them warm. Although all fuel-burning appliances produce small amounts of carbon monoxide, the levels are generally considered safe for humans. However, a malfunctioning furnace or other appliance can quickly fill a home with deadly gas. In addition to a monitored carbon monoxide detector, it is important schedule regular furnace and appliance maintenance, cleanings and inspections to reduce the risk of possible problems.

The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include disorientation, headache, fatigue and other flu-like symptoms. Higher levels can cause nausea and confusion. If the gas is allowed to build up, it can be fatal after only a few breaths. This is the reason a complete security system should include a monitored carbon monoxide detector. If gas has built up in the home while the home owner is on vacation or away at work, there would be no way to know if the home is safe to enter. However, with a monitored detector, Priority One can alert the home owner or call for assistance if the home owner is unresponsive. Your family’s health and safety are worth the investment.

Home owners that use monitored carbon monoxide detectors as part of their overall security in Orangeburg SC can rest easy knowing their family is protected at all times. Priority One is one-stop shop for home security services, and serves North and South Carolina.