Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How Geotagging Can Undermine Your Home Security

As history has consistently proven, advancing technology is not without its drawbacks. The proliferation of smartphones has made it easier than ever to take photos and videos and share them with the world at a moment's notice, but the photo itself may not be all that you're sharing. Geotagging can be a convenient way to organize photos and share information with friends and family, but it can also broadcast sensitive information that could put your and your family at risk.

Fire Extinguisher Basics

Many homes today don't have a fire extinguisher much less working smoke detectors. Small fires that could be doused in a few seconds may burn out of control and threaten the lives of occupants because the smoke detectors don't work and there are no fire extinguishers on the premises. Although it’s not appropriate to use a fire extinguisher for every fire, these devices may prove to be life-saving in some emergencies.